Nutrition Education
Nutrition is a vital part to everybody’s daily plan. This is only increased when the individual is active in sports and athletics. In order for you to compete to the best of your ability, your body must have the proper fuel to energize your movements. It is far to common these days for athletes to completely ignore this facet of their health when preparing for a sport. Without the proper fuel and nutrition for your body, you are putting your self at a disadvantage. Take a look below at some tips and tricks to keep your body fueled and primed to dominate at a moments notice.
tips and tricks
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tips and tricks
- Bring snacks (granola bars, nuts, fruit snacks) to school to eat throughout the day
- Streamline your eating patterns as much as possible. We are creatures of habit, your body will start to recognize the pattern and optimize how it is using the fuel
- NEVER, participate without some form of fuel. Especially on hot days, if your body has no fuel to power it, you will be working at disadvantage.
- Enjoy your meals! Nutrition shouldn’t be about everything you can’t eat, just a better understanding of moderation and when/where the best time for ‘cheat meals” is
- Increase your calories when in season. Your body needs extra fuel and nutrients during in season sports to practice, perform, and recover properly
The use of supplements and dietary enhancers has drastically increased over the last few years. Though many supplements are quality products, not every supplement is held to the same standard as others. Per the USDA website “… it is important to understand that FDA does not approve dietary supplement products before they are sold to the public, and is responsible for taking action against any adulterated or misbranded dietary supplement product after it reaches the market. While taking some dietary supplements can be beneficial, it can involve risks.”
Using supplements can be a positive thing for any athlete, but you need to make sure to do you research and choose the proper one.
Not only can it have a negative effect on your body, it can cost you playing time as well. There have been numerous cases of athletes popping positive on a drug test because an elicit substance was cut into the supplement they were taking. When in doubt, talk your MD or contact myself to discuss what the best options are!

weight cutting
weight cutting![]()
weight cutting
Though weight cutting and weight management has become healthier as we have learned about the science, weight cutting is and can be very dangerous to your well being. Sports like wrestling, track and field, and cheerleading have been the biggest abusers of weight cutting over the last 15-20 years. There has been a change in the trend as we have begun to analyze weight cutting and scrutinize its use in certain athlete groups. As a high school student, your body is still growing and developing. In order to continue to grow AND compete in a sport, your body needs more fuel, not less. When in season, you should be at a calorie abundance rather than a deficit.
7am- Breakfast (yogurt, fruit, eggs, oatmeal), coffee/water
9am- Snack (Nuts, granola bar, fruit, fruit snacks), water
11am- Lunch (Lean protein- grilled chicken, ground beef, salad), water
1pm- Snack (Nuts, granola bar, fruit, fruit snacks), water/energy drink (BE CAREFUL)
3pm-5pm- Bring snack for practice/game if applicable, water/sports drink
7pm- Dinner- (Healthy carbs, pasta, grilled chicken, beef, etc), water, recovery drink
9pm- Cheat Snack- (Enjoy your last meal! Just be mindful of portions)!, water
Helpful links
Helpful links![]()
Helpful links
- Sports Nutrition in the Young Athlete:
- Nutrtition and Athletic Performance:
- FDA Article on Supplements:,Act%20of%201994%20(DSHEA)%3A