Pre-Hab and Preparing for Athletics
Preparing and putting your body in the best position to compete in athletics is a vital part of every athletes daily routine. One of the big pieces missing from this, is pro active rehab to help strengthen and maintain muscle mass throughout the body. “Pre-Hab” is the idea that rehabbing a body part should not be the only time you are strengthening it. Through the use of low intensity targeted exercises, you can help boost outcomes and decrease the incidence of structural injuries. Though prehab is designed to help limit the amount of injuries you sustain, it can not completely eliminate them.
pre hab framework
pre hab framework![]()
pre hab framework
- The prehab exercises listed on this page are no intended to treat, diagnose, or rehab an athlete back from an athletic injury. These exercises are designed to be used BEFORE injury to help strengthen the body and limit athletic injuries over time. If you ever have a question about if you should be doing these exercises, please contact a medical doctor or myself.
- These exercises are designed to strengthen the body in small muscle groups. This means that they need to be done slowly, under control, and with a weight that you feel comfortable using. These are not designed to build large amounts of muscle mass.
- None of these exercises should cause pain. Sore and fatigued is completely normal, but if any of these exercises cause you a sharp pain repeatedly, you need to contact a medical doctor or myself.
- These exercises should be done 2-3 times for in season athletes and 4-5 times for out of season athletes in conjunction with whatever strength program they are on out of season.
- This list should not be the end all be all. If a medical doctor tells you, you should or should not be doing an exercise, there say goes. These can be helpful exercises if done the right way and for the right reasons.
prehab exercises
prehab exercises![]()
prehab exercises
- Hamstring Hamstring-Prehab.xlsx
- Hips/GlutsHip-Prehab.xlsx
- Ankle Ankle-Prehab.xlsx
- Shoulder Shoulder-Prehab.xlsx
- Wrist Wrist-Prehab.xlsx
- Calf/Shin SplintsCalf_Shin-Prehab.xlsx